Friday 26 September 2008

Return of the Jac(qui)

A tough old day at work today but one I will remember fondly for a long time after a very old friend found me on Facebook.

Jacqui is a couple of years younger than me which, when at school, is almost an eternity. She went to Coleraine High School (which is girls only) and I went to Coleraine Inst (which is all boys - I appreciate people from the area will be aware of these things but stick with me).

Thinking back all those years - 18 to be precise - I always regarded Jacqui as one of life's "good" people. There was nothing not to like although she had a tongue which could cut tin if the need arose!

One of the last times I spoke to her was in my early days at university when a few friends and I embarked on a series of wind-ups involving people we knew. Jacqui was at the centre of one of these after I asked one of my hallmates in Newcastle - Steve Chee his name was - to pretend to be Peter Hooton (pictured below, lead singer of The Farm with their one hit) and invite Jacqui to appear in their next video.

As a result of an incredibly convincing performance from Steve, the poor girl fell for it hook, line and sinker. So much so that I felt bad telling her the truth at the end. Typically, though, she took it in very good heart.

Now with two girls of her own and a co-partner in her own very successful interior design business in Coleraine, Jacqui's done good.

She also ensured I came home to start my weekend with a smile - and I haven't even prised open my beer fridge yet. (Needless to say, that's where I'm heading off now).

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