Monday 11 August 2014

Flipper Duo

Right, so we're now back in Guiseley and obviously absolutely thrilled about it.  Over the moon.  Never better.  (Boo hoo).

So let's briefly reflect back to last Friday when, somewhat by chance rather than design, we ended up on the Flipper Uno pirate ship.  This involved three hours of searching for dolphins (there were loads, against my expectations), swimming in the sea and hanging out with pirates.

Whilst I decided to dress for the task.

Vanessa chose to drink to it.

Which leads me on to the swimming element.  I don't have any pictures of us swimming off the boat.

The reasons for this are twofold:

  1. My camera can't swim, and
  2. You would see us in our skimpies and Vanessa would hit me with an object of high density.
But the key point is that all four of us did it at the same time - Jamie and Charlotte wearing "shark-proof" armbands (that's what I told them anyway).  

And when they arrived back on board following their act of collective heroism, we told them how brave we thought they'd been.   This prompted Jamie to demand a certificate of proof.  Charlotte immediately followed suit.  Vanessa put a word in when we got back to our hotel.  And this little piece of video shows you the result.

I'm all for statements of humility.  But I can't help but think that this wasn't the best time.