Thursday 21 April 2016

Happy birthday, Ma'am

On this day many decades ago, a very special lady entered the world knowing nothing about the exciting and somewhat bizarre life she had ahead.

No one chooses their family.  And had this babe-in-arms been able to do so, it is questionable whether she would have chosen hers.  But she got on with it and enjoyed a happy childhood.

However, those heady days of youth must now seem like dim and distant memories, mainly because were so awfully long ago.

Over lots and lots of years, her commitment to the service of others has become the stuff of legend.

In public, her game face has always remained in tact.  She is a professional after all.

But in private, she has been known to down a little glass of something, often followed by another.  And she's partial to an occasional smoke, one of the reasons why she is so small.

But what she lacks in physical stature, she continues to make up for with a presence which becomes particularly evident - mainly through direct eye contact - when not amused.

I have been at the sharp end (ouch!) of those looks many times in the past, and have even suffered flesh wounds after colliding with her vicious teacher tongue.

But she is my big sister, it is her big day and I'm too scared to do anything other than be nice.  So Happy Birthday, Jacquie.

Of course, it is not appropriate for a gentleman to discuss a lady's age.

Actually, talking of numbers, you'll never guess what Charlotte can count up to these days?

I know!  

But back to the plot, Jamie, Charlotte and I are due in Northern Ireland next weekend when we plan to celebrate properly with Jacquie.

Hopefully by then all the understandable fuss and kerfuffle over the Queen's 90th birthday will have eased a bit.

That said, if you are a fan on my work Your Majesty - which I suspect you are - I hope you're having a fun day too.    

PS Our Charlotte would like to invite Princess Charlotte round to ours for tea.  Let me know.

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