Tuesday 19 September 2017

A farsighted gesture of kindness

Jamie has for some time held a fascination for birds and is now something of a self-taught expert in our feathered friends.

This is a fact that was well-known to his step-granddad Derek who sadly died back in June.  Indeed, above you can see a photo of Derek showing Jamie a mechanical bird in a cage when Master White was just 18 months old. Judging by that evidence, it seems Jamie's obsession began much earlier than I realised.

Earlier today, a parcel arrived with Jamie's name emblazoned on the front.  It also contained a note.

In case you can't make out the words, it reads as follows:


I found these in Derek's wardrobe.  I am sure he would love you to have them for your birdwatching.


Love Granny."

The note was accompanied by Derek's binoculars, which Jamie didn't need a second invitation to try out.

Maybe he'll lend them to Charlotte one day. But I doubt it.

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