The joint combination of working in Bradford - unquestionably the most bizarre place I've ever plied any form of trade - and being the father of a young son with a bird fixation continues to make my current existence anything but dull.
Take today for example.
I was back behind my desk for the first time in almost a fortnight and, yes, it was good to return to something resembling a normal routine. But what was the highlight? Well, I'll come straight to it.
Whilst waiting for the kettle to boil (yes, I do work for a council but no jokes allowed), I took the opportunity to have a quick peak out of a City Hall window.
And what did I see? Yes, you've guessed it - four geese slowly but determinedly traversing a busy road at the pedestrian crossing, almost getting to the other side before one of them changes its mind and turns around, leaving the other three to follow him (or her) back in exactly the opposite direction - still on the pedestrian crossing - to the precise spot on the footpath where they began. And then they all waddled off towards the courthouse.
The good motorists of Bradford queued patiently and politely for what must have been more than a minute before proceeding once the geese were clear. No horns, no shouts - I didn't even see any laughs.
Only in Bradford - and if only Jamie could have been there.
Which reminds me, do you like his new watering can?
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