If you can't beat 'em join 'em, so the saying goes.
Hence, today we let Jamie and Barnaby have their lunch at Burger King.
And after their midday sleeps, they'll be joining other junior Butlins camp mates at "Smoking for Beginners" followed by "Baby Ear-Piercing" and "Tattoos for Tots."
That should leave us just enough time to quickly nip into Skegness town centre to pick up a couple of mini-shellsuits for them to wear out tonight.
Earlier, we took the boy and the bear to see Thomas The Tank Engine LIVE on stage.
And, being a train, he was inevitably late. Very late.
First, we had The Fat Controller (who must feel really at home here) endlessly wandering about the crowd asking if anyone had seen him.

Before he was joined by Lusty and Busty (or something like that) who spent another 15 minutes beckoning the increasingly bored gathering to call out for him.

In fact, it was only after Vanessa uttered under her breath - and I kid you not - "get Thomas The Tank Engine out, for f*** sake!" that he decided to chug into view.

We're due for release tomorrow morning.
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