Unlike my mate Ben who is an expert on such matters (and could probably help your business make piles of cash should you choose to pay him some of yours first), I don't know much about the world of social media or even the Internet itself.
I write this blog, I fiddle on Facebook and I Google stuff. I am also aware that you can pay Google money for sponsored links and to bring references to your own site or "key messages" higher up the list of search results.
But what I didn't know is that individuals or companies who do pay Google appear to have the ability to shove your blog posts out of sight.
I say this because, in a moment of boredom earlier in the week, I entered "Butlins" into Google Blogs and found a link to my first "on location" post right at the top. This has now disappeared, alongside a link to the following day's ramble.
Only a link to yesterday's post now remains - on page three of the results - and I wouldn't expect it to be around for too much longer.
I tell you all of this because, prior to our holiday, Vanessa pointed out an article in a Butlins brochure which said how keenly they follow references to themselves in social media (and, it seems, censor them when they're less than complimentary).
So, Mr Butlins Internet Man, here's something else for you to try to erase:
Your Skegness resort smells of sewage!
I bid you good day.
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