Thursday, 3 November 2011

Night/morning after 3 - The Final Act

Saturday evening arrived and it was time to put the icing on the cake (OK, not true - the cake was already at the restaurant) by getting the ferry across to Lusty Beg Island in County Fermanagh for Wee John's 40th birthday banquet and dance-off.

It resembled a wartime experience as we landed like an invading force, which we kind of were.

John's sister Mary (number 51 of the 67) joined us for the finale along with husband Colin The Bear and son Stephen.  And they didn't take long to get into the action.

Dinner was first (steak all round)...

...followed by said cake which was the closest thing to a spongy fire hazard that I've seen.

After some brief "respite" in the bar... was time to dance.... a band featuring a rather familiar guest lead singer.

Big Tony asked a local to get groovy...

...but the stranger turned him down in favour of Shane who was more his type.

Initially, comforted by Mary and The Bear, Big Tony took his rejection badly...

...but a few more drinks later...

...he was back in the game...

...just as Wee John got himself a bit of plastic action.

All that remained was for the birthday boy to sail us home.. preparation for the inevitable hangover which, four days on, he is yet to recover from.

Thanks for the memories wee man, it was great to be a part of it.