As someone who proudly grew up in Coleraine, I am not unfamiliar with the concept of a £1.98 bottle of wine.
And last night I managed to bag myself another one - and it didn't even come in a brown bag.
To cut a not particularly lengthy story even shorter, I stopped in Asda on the way home to pick up a few unnecessary bits and pieces.
Whilst browsing, I stumbled across a bottle of Chianti which has been reduced from £7.98 to £3.98 - so, naturally enough, I bagged it.
However, after paying for everything, I checked my receipt and, horror of horrors, found I'd been charged £7.98 for the wine.
You can take a man out of Coleraine etc etc but a man from Coleraine NEVER pays £7.98 for a bottle of supermarket wine.
I therefore raised the issue with a nice lady who "helpfully" palmed me off to a genuinely helpful nice lady who not only refunded me my £4, but also gave my a £2 card to spend how I chose - leaving the final price for my Chianti at a princely £1.98.

Sadly, my request to use my £2 to purchase another bottle of Chianti and two penny chews was turned down.