I took my first tentative step into the 21st century earlier today (a bit late, granted) when I became the owner of an iPhone.
So far I've successfully charged it up and typed in all my contacts. And having done that, I now genuinely have no idea what I do next or, more specifically, what it does.
Save for one "app" (get me).
I speak of iPoo.
And what is iPoo, I hear you cry?
Well I'll tell you, and I quote:
"Always find yourself with nothing to do while you're sitting on the can?" (It's American).
"Introducing iPoo - a new iPhone application that gives you something to do - while you poo! iPoo is a social community that brings together pooers from around the world. Write messages, draw graffiti, earn points and badges, see what others are posting."
Right. So there we are.
Only a few hours in and what many of friends said was true; the iPhone has already had a significant impact on my life. Because I now feel ill.