Wednesday, 1 February 2012

The three-year-old teenager

Jamie's bug continues to infiltrate the White family; today my mum reported that her special boy had left her a goodbye gift. 

Meanwhile, Master Contagion himself gained a decade in age.

After three and a half years of keeping his mother and me up, this morning Jamie decided he needed a lie in.  This is not something that's happened before, and at the weekend it would be a very welcome development. 

However, on a Wednesday, Vanessa has to be out the door by 7am.  And I have to be less than an hour behind her, dragging a cleaned and clothed Jamie and pushing a wiped and wrapped Charlotte to nursery.   

"I don't want to get up!" whined yer man.

"Tough," replied his not-in-any-way-sympathetic father.

"Five more minutes!" he pleaded.

"Five more seconds.........and that's time up," I responded.

"But I'm tired," he persevered.

"But I don't care," said me, and on it went. 

Eventually I did get him to rise, but who knows what to expect next?  A girlfriend?  A fag behind his ear?  Depression? 

Time will only tell.