Wednesday, 2 May 2012

We want you, we want you, we want you as a new recruit

I had the unique experience on Monday evening of representing Mrs W and me at Jamie and Charlotte's first ever nursery parents' evening.

And I learnt some stuff. 

For example, prior to Monday, I had no idea that Charlotte had developed a jigsaw fixation (cue me going up to the loft to bring down some of Jamie's old jigsaws). 

I was also previously unaware of Jamie's passion for expressing himself through the medium of dance.  I really should pay more attention. 

What I found particularly amusing were the efforts of Jamie's key worker and her colleague to maintain professional faces whilst describing his "moves."  So I tried to make matters a little easier for them.

"Look," I said, "I'm the world's worst dancer, which is why I hate to dance. 

"The fact that Jamie enjoys dancing is therefore a step in the right direction - if you pardon the pun.    

"But let me ask you, is Jamie the world's second worst dancer?"

Initially I was greeted with silence - before both broke into what I can only describe as "guilty laughs." So I got my answer at least. 

Meanwhile, today was Jamie's "come to nursery wearing what you hope to wear when you've got a job" day (or something like that). 

So we dressed him up as a member of the Village People.

Given his new found love of original dance, it seemed an obvious choice.

Sadly Charlotte wasn't impressed.