...Ann Widdecombe!
And it wasn't just Vanessa and I having dinner with her, although you've probably already guessed that. There were about 60-odd others there to eat, DRINK! and listen to the star guest speak.
She was very entertaining too and afterwards even went to the trouble of signing copies of her best-selling novels - with all profits raised going somewhere other than her pocket. Well played that strange-shaped lady.
It was also nice for Mrs W and I to get our best bib and tucker out for the night. Sadly, Vanessa had to drive to and from the event in Bingley. (Whilst a cynic might put this forward as another good reason why I should remain in no particular hurry to get my driving test, the official line remains that I would love to have drunk water all night).
Our journey there was slightly delayed whilst I did my mooted Yorkshire Evening Post interview about our bins (tee hee!) and the photographer is coming at 6pm tonight to capture the Whites' continued misery at the hands of that nasty Leeds City Council - BOO! I've also asked our next-door neighbour Barrington to come along and look sad with us (he's got much bigger forearms than me and they'll look very impressive when folded alongside mine as we stare harmed but unbroken at the camera lens).
What's the odds that our bins do actually get emptied between now and the photographer's planned arrival in nine and a half hours' time?
FOOTNOTE: Please note that no offence is intended by my description of the Rt Hon Ann Widdecombe MP as a "virgin." I've checked this out, and she is genuinely on record as saying she would sue anyone who described her as "not a virgin" - so I'm only keeping myself right.
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