Well, it's all got a bit crap again, hasn't it?
As Leeds folk will be all too aware, the city has become one of the latest parts of the country to have new movement restrictions placed on its residents.
We can't have friends or family over, not even into our gardens, and the rule could be in place for many months to come.
Leeds City Council have also gone a step further than Bozo Johnson by advising locals not to go to pubs and restaurants. It's not backed up by any kind of legal enforcement, it's the Council trying to take a lead and people can make their own minds up. Fair enough.
In the meantime, we've got to try to keep ourselves busy. My two pieces of physical activity today have been to go to the supermarket. And then go back to the supermarket.
This was not the plan. This morning's visit was to get what we need for tonight's tea. Exciting stuff indeed.
The second trip was to get what we need for tomorrow night's tea (Charlotte and I are cooking a two-courser). But I didn't really need to do that today.
In truth, the only reason I went was to avoid reseeding the lawn.
I bought the soil and seeds the weekend before the last lockdown, almost precisely six months ago. And since then I haven't been arsed to do the job.
But I'm determined to enter the next phase of nothingness not doing nothing.
Nope, its Action Barry from now on.
Starting tomorrow. Or maybe Monday.
By the way, I saw this sign outside Morrisons.