Thursday 26 August 2010


We've got a major problem with Jamie: he's been telling lies at nursery.

Yesterday, whilst she was picking him up, it was reported to Vanessa that he'd been asked over breakfast what his mother and father were up to at that moment.

After thinking for a short period, he replied: "Mummy's fallen down the toilet......and Daddy's washing his hair."

But, in truth, she hadn't - and I wasn't.

Now I just don't know what to do.

Should I simply have a quiet word or - my current thinking - hand him straight over to the police?

I think I'll sleep on it for one more night.


  1. Its lovely what children 'tell' you about homelife, thats why i love my job so much, 30 3 and 4 year olds. One day i'll write a book about the stories ive been told!!!!

  2. Don't let it worry you Barry/. I used to send Rachel to school with all sorts of untrue and exaggerated tales, knowing that she would tell her teachers! If they believed a quarter of what she told them they would have had me run in as a wicked poarent!
