Tuesday, 24 July 2012

I'm a White, get me out of here

The good news is that I - and everyone else - managed to survive yet another camping weekend.  The bad news is that everyone else wants to go back again next year.

To be fair, the weather was good, the company was very good and new camp chef "Pistol" Pete Mallott was very, very good.

But, when all is said and done, I still had to sleep on the freezing ground in a sleeping bag - despite the fact that we own a house.

On the upside, I did have Jamie for company in the boys' side of the tent...

...and we definitely had more fun than those dull girlies. 

Jamie also got to try out his new metrosexual wetsuit for the first time...

...and was a much easier sight on the eye than Dagenham Dave who looked way more camp than the large row of tents behind him.

Meanwhile, Charlotte had a go at digging to Australia...

...before retiring to the pub to recuperate with a pint (of milk) and a large bag of Quavers.

That was her/my favourite bit of the weekend.

Finally, big thanks to Pete and Mike for taking our tent down.  Oh, and for putting it up. 

There's no substitute for experience.