Monday, 16 July 2012

Mower excitement

Above, ladies and gentlemen, you can see my new Qualcast 1000W Electric Rotary Mower.  And isn't she a beauty? 

Well, not really - but she was on offer for fifty quid at Homebase so in the boot she went. 

Buying a new lawnmower wasn't on my agenda when I rose from my pit yesterday morning.  But then my decrepit old Flymo went up in smoke (note the helpful black circle I've added for you)...

...and was quickly laid to rest.

Undignified, maybe, but there was room and today was bin day.

Jamie and Charlotte were initially excited by my purchase but soon decided that the box was where the real thrills lay.

And then Jamie literally just lay (in it).

All in all, just another Sunday at our house.