Wednesday 29 August 2012

Funny lines come in threes

My last two posts have centred on "Jamie quips" and I beg your indulgence for just one more.

Vanessa and I are making a big effort at present to "encourage" (i.e. force) Jamie to brush up on his manners in advance of starting school next week.

He doesn't get presented with his breakfast until he says "please," and I don't let go of it until he says "thank you."   That kind of thing.  He is also "strongly encouraged" (i.e. "do it or we'll hang you upside down") to apologise when he does something wrong.  And, to be fair, he is getting there.

However, yesterday, he possibly over-stretched himself in the quest to be polite.

He and I were en route to the local playing fields for our planned rugby kickabout. A middle-aged couple were walking towards us.

Just as they got to within a couple of yards, Jamie stopped in front of them and looked up into their eyes.

They also halted and gazed down in his direction.

"Urrmmm....pardon me," said White Junior. "I've just trumped." 

My immediate reaction was to laugh out loud; the couple's response was to shuffle off blank-faced. 

Next up on Jamie's learning curve will be the concept that some things are better left unsaid.