I'm sure I've not been alone in having had a hectic few days - hence no blog updates. (What do you mean you didn't notice?)
But, in short and other than a couple minor blips which I'll come on to next time, all went surprisingly well.
We began on Christmas Eve by dressing the kids up to take part in a local nativity.
Tee hee. Before a "special" tea which didn't work out (next time), a quick nip outside to prepare Rudolph's landing spot, then bed.
On Christmas morning, it was downstairs to make the miraculous discovery that Jamie and Charlotte had been "good" after all (in Santa's eyes).
Tyrone the Turkey didn't let me down (even if I kind of let him down - next time)...
...and some crap jokes, one of which included Jimmy Savile in the punchline.
These things happen when you're a Yorkshire tight-arse, buy your Christmas crackers in the sale and keep them in the loft for a year. Vanessa.
But it has been a festive period to remember (other than the period of hours that I can't quite recall - next time).
Needless to say I hope you had fun too.