Monday 9 February 2009

Another fine mess

Being pretty much confined to a wood-enclosed space for four days, the only course of action was to make the best of it.

So, from my point of view, I made sure I did more than my fair share of Jamie duties which included giving him his tea. As his sheer physical enormity clearly demonstrates, not much misses his mouth when it comes to meal time. But there's always an exception which proves the rule. And unfortunately, I was the poor individual tasked with getting the savoury mince into his mouth on Friday evening when he simply didn't fancy it. The scene pictured above was the result.

Given this outcome, the only logical next step was to give him a bath - even though it wasn't his scheduled bath night (which is normally every other night). On the upside, it provided the opportunity to try him out in his new special bath seat which Granny White bought him some time ago. I'm delighted to say that it immediately proved to be an inspired purchase and many happy dips now lie ahead.

However, as I wrote yesterday, we were able to escape our hut on a small number of occasions and one such moment came earlier on Friday when we managed to make it round the corner to the local pub.

It was a decent enough place but something other than the Guinness made it stick in my mind - one of the best toilet signs I've seen. Magnificent.

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