Tuesday 24 February 2009

Pancake Day

Yes, today is Pancake Day so - surprise, surprise - Jamie had his first taste of pancake.

As a child, I used to get excited on Pancake Day - that's what kids are supposed to do. However, as an adult, I've been singularly uninspired.

But, as has often been the case since Jamie's arrival, I decided to use him as a blatant excuse to rekindle my kindergarten years.

First, I spent a few minutes at lunchtime finding a Delia recipe for lemon pancakes. Then, as soon as I was clear from work, I rushed to Asda to buy the necessary ingredients and a sieve (which Delia said was all-important).

Sadly (although not that sadly) I arrived home to discover that Vanessa had also decided to make pancakes - albeit seafood pancakes - for tea. Not wishing to risk a pancake overdose, I magnanimously volunteered to put my ingredients away for another day, likely to be exactly twelve months from now (although the eggs will have gone off by then. And the lemons. Oh, and the milk. Does flour go off?)

Luckily, we had an out-of-the-packet pancake on hand for Jamie's supper (not that much ended up in his mouth) so were able to quickly mark his latest "special day" before bundling him off to bed.

As a related aside, I can't possibly let today pass without telling you one of my favourite all-time jokes.

With apologies to anyone who's heard it, here goes:

Paddy the Englishman, Paddy the Scotsman and Paddy the Irishman haven't seen each other for a year and decide to meet for a catch-up drink.

During their conversation they discover that, over the previous twelve months, all of them have become fathers to little boys.

"My son was born on St. George's Day so we decided to call him George," explains Paddy the Englishman.

"Man, that's great," replies Paddy the Scotsman. "My son was born on St Andrew's Day and we named him Andrew."

"Isn't that incredible?" says an excited Paddy the Irishman. "We had a boy too - wee Pancake."

I thank you.

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