Tuesday 12 January 2010

Playing snap with Jeffrey

Jamie peed all over my trousers about half an hour ago, which was obviously a tremendous way to start the day.

But that's not what's bothering me this fine winter morn. No - and at the risk of becoming tedious (think how I feel) - it's those effing mice again.

Last night on this blog, I expressed hope that we'd seen the last of the little buggers after mouse family member number five woke up dead yesterday morning. And then I went to make a cuppa.

Nothing unusual was occurring. Lady Grey for Vanessa, no sugars; whatever tea Asda had on offer this month for me, one and a half sugars (I know - fascinating).

But as I walked past the sink towards the bin to dispose of the tea bags (tea pots are for wimps), I heard something hit the floor and bounce - or so I thought.

"It must be one of Jamie's bowls," I pondered (I didn't say it out loud because that would make me either mad or even older than I am) and turned round to pick whatever it was up. But I could find nothing lying on the floor.

And then, of course, the penny dropped.

So, I took the wooden cover thing off the cupboard below the sink where we've been finding our friends. And there he was - Jeffrey the Mouse, mouth covered in peanut butter, and very, very dead.

What I had heard was, first, the trap being sprung, followed by Jeffrey taking a quick final flight through the air before landing as an ex-mouse.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm delighted to have weeded yet another one out - bringing the total up to six. But it was the snap that did it for me. I can still hear it now.


Hopefully Jeffrey's passing really does mark the end of the story.

And I trust you'll enjoy whatever it was you were planning to eat today.


  1. I reckon it would be more fun getting a cat Barry! Think how much money you would save in not having to buy mouse traps and peanut butter!!!!

  2. I couldn't agree more - would you mind telling the same thing to Vanessa?!

  3. You can borrow one of ours. Verified kills last year:

    37 mice
    3 rats
    1 mole
    2 shrews
    4 budgies
