A few weeks ago I mentioned that I'd done something to my shoulder/neck/back of my increasingly decrepit body, and was off to get some physio.
I ended up with a (very polite) student bloke who, essentially, jabbed his finger into me for a couple of minutes before the proper physio came in to ask him questions. And then left.
Student bloke then told me to go off and do some stretching exercises and come back to see him again.
So, in a nutshell, the actual "treatment" aspect of my visit was minimal.
I was due to return a fortnight ago - before the ash cloud intervened.
And then, to be totally honest, I dragged my feet on making another appointment for the simple reason that I had bothered doing any of my exercises.
However, yesterday, after a long weekend of Vanessa "Knows Best" telling me off, I booked to go back this Thursday.
And not wanting to be humiliated by student bloke, I decided that it might be in my best interests to start doing a few of my exercises. But, instead of doing them fives times over the course of the day as I was told, I only did them twice. Maybe I'll be more enthusiastic today.
But my gripe is this.
Shouldn't physios be able to "snap" you back into place, rather than effectively send you home to complete a DIY course? I would say a resounding yes.
The fact that student bloke did no snapping whatsoever suggests that he's nothing short of lazy.
Just like me.
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