Wednesday, 14 November 2012

School night

Another landmark moment this evening when Vanessa and I attended Jamie's first parents' evening.

Above left, you can see Mrs Buckton, Jamie's teacher.  Above centre, you can see Mrs Spencer, Jamie's teaching assistant.  Above right, you can see a self-important dad who took half an hour rather than his allotted 10 minutes to bore the pros about his beloved.    

So, what did we learn?  Good question - I'm glad you asked.

Two things.  Number one, that Jamie is "a lovely boy." Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

And number two, that Mrs Spencer is a TV's Geoff Druett obsessive (aka Vanessa's dad) who can't believe she is playing a such a key role in the education of the great man's grandson. 

We told Jamie about all of this later.  He was more concerned about whether or not we had chocolate.