Sunday 26 October 2014

Capital confusion

With half-term on the horizon, it was International Week at Guiseley Infants with Jamie going all Italiano.

In previous years, he was a member of the United Arab Emirates and Spanish delegations respectively.  

This year, other nations represented included Germany...


...and Ireland.

Ah yes. Ireland.

I had a close look at the Irish exhibition. 

Some "facts about Ireland" I already knew. These included leprechauns being "Irish fairies." I'm on first name terms with all of them. 

However, another "fact" startled me somewhat.  Stated by several classmates, it was that both Dublin and Belfast are "Ireland's capital city."


Methinks Guiseley Infants should consider having a Northern Ireland stall next year.  And if they choose not to, I'll set up my own in the playground. 

You never know who might turn up.